Karma Cats Unveils NFT Roadmap — Culminating In A Spiritual Retreat in Tulum, Mexico!

Karma Cats NFT
2 min readMay 2, 2022
Karma Cats NFT

Karma Cats NFT has just revealed its groundbreaking roadmap for the next 10 months — and it includes a Cryptocurrency/NFT themed spiritual retreat in Tulum, Mexico!

This is huge news for the NFT community, as Karma Cats is one of the first projects to offer an immersive, retreat type experience to holders as part of their NFT collecting journey.

If you are an NFT collector, you know that a collection’s roadmap is a critical part of its long-term success. So, when you are looking for the best NFT to invest in, it’s important to check out the project’s plans for the future. With that in mind, Karma Cats NFT made sure that its roadmap is absolutely bullish!

The Karma Cats roadmap will have 7 phases:

  • Phase I — Manifestation
  • Phase II — Activation
  • Phase III — Catalyzation
  • Phase IV — Realization
  • Phase V — Reincarnation
  • Phase VI — Abundance
  • Phase VII — Enlightenment

The project’s first priority is to grow the Karma Cats community by attracting waves of awakening souls from around the world. The official launch of the Karma Cat’s Discord server and sneak peaks of the primary collection have become available to the public, creating ripples of excitement in the NFT community.

As of writing, the Karma Cats community on Discord has over 30,000+ empowered members! But this is just the beginning as it has big plans to increase its user base through aggressive marketing and strategic partnerships.

What makes the roadmap amazing is that for every phase, it outlines how the project team provides the community with great utility and value in the form of rewards, experiences, and exclusive content.

The detailed roadmap is available in the KarmaCats.io website detailing the play-by-play milestones, activities, and tasks for the first ten months.

The highlight? A one-of-a-kind Cryptocurrency/NFT themed education and networking event retreat in Tulum, Mexico that’s exclusive for Karma Cats NFT holders! This never-done-before IRL meetup will be available to all holders who sign up and are able to travel.

The project’s vision is to have its members experience true abundance in every sense of the word — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This culminating retreat in Mexico becomes a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, spread positive vibes, and create powerful memories that will last a lifetime.

Karma Cats NFT is currently in Phase II of its Roadmap and is on track to hit all its milestones. The team has also been very active in delivering value to the community through airdrops, partnerships, and huge giveaways.

If you want to know more about Karma Cats, join our beautiful community on Discord!

Join 30,000+ On Discord

